Randy Chan Vancouver | How to Use Twitter Marketing Right
Randy Chan Vancouver — Twitter is a powerful tool to help you understand your customers and also because it is mobile friendly. With most customers being online today, businesses need to maintain online reputation and the Twitter’s Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a great tool to use. Almost every brand is being talked about in social media. A good reputation can be severely hampered by an unsatisfied customer. Randy Chan Vancouver So the onus is on you to listen and respond to customer smartly. Another powerful thing about Twitter is that every public tweet is searchable and you can reach out to anyone directly. The “advanced search” option enables you to do that. The time taken to reach out to influencers is cut down, made simpler and more effective through Twitter, against that of conventional media. Randy Chan Vancouver | TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) integrates Twitter effectively into every phase of their event conduction, to increase popularity. Many IT...